Exercise Physiology Institute

Exercise Testing

Resting Heart Rate

pulse taken at wrist

What is Resting Heart Rate? Resting Heart Rate is the number of times your heart beats per minute while at rest, typically measured when you are awake but sitting or lying down in a relaxed state.  It is a measure of how quickly the heart is working to pump blood to the body. Heart rate

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Skinfold Measurements – are they still relevant in exercise science?

Exercise Physiology Institute - Skinfold Measure

The assessment of body composition is a common practice in the field of exercise science, but there continues to be ongoing debate regarding the most effective tools for this purpose. Skinfold measures, also known as skinfold thickness measurements, are a method used to estimate body composition by measuring the thickness of subcutaneous fat at specific

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VO2 Max

Exercise Physiology Institute

VO2 max is a measure of the maximum amount of oxygen that a person can consume and use during exercise. VO2 max is considered the gold standard for measuring an individual’s aerobic fitness level. It reflects the efficiency of the lungs, heart, and circulatory system in delivering oxygen to the muscles during exercise. The term

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